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Film Crew
Huntington Office of Film & Television_edited.jpg

The Town of Huntington requires a permit

and proof of insurance only when you plan to use

Town property or services including

sidewalks, streets, parking lots, beaches, parks, street closures, garbage pickup and public safety. 

Note:  We suggest contacting the Office of Film and Television prior to making this application.  Please contact

Film Permit Information

*Please Read Prior to Applying for a Permit*

An approved Town of Huntington Film Permit Application, in such paper form as the Town of Huntington Town Attorney’s Office shall determine, is required to engage in motion picture, television and still photography on any Town property or facility, and to access Town services. Permits shall not be required for News Media or Filming and videotaping of motion pictures and photography for private use.


Advance Notice / Notice
An applicant is required to submit a completed film permit application and film permit application fee, to the Office of the Town Attorney, at least five (5) business days prior to the date on which the production company or applicant desires to conduct an activity on Town property, for which a permit is required. Any application accepted with less than five (5) business days remaining prior to filming shall be subject to a late fee.

Applicant shall be solely responsible for notifying the Suffolk County Police Department and/or local police to arrange any police presence that may be necessary during filming.  In the event of filming on residential streets and roadways, Applicant shall be solely responsible for notifying residents on such streets and roadways of the schedule of filming and activities.

Additional notice is strongly recommended and may be required for larger productions or productions that involve set construction, special effects or traffic controls, including road closures.*

* Please be advised that application for road closing permits, if needed, must be made to the Town of Huntington Highway Department, the Suffolk County Department of Public Works, the New York State Department of Transportation and/or any other agency having jurisdiction, by the film permit applicant.

Information Required

  • The name and address of the facility where the activity is to be conducted;

  • The specific location of the facility;

  • The inclusive hours and dates such activity will occur, including necessary prep and wrap times;

  • A general statement of the character or nature of the proposed filming activity;

  • The name, address, telephone and fax numbers of the production company or person conducting the activity;

  • The name, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the contact person at the production company or the person conducting the activity.

  • The exact number of cast and crew involved;

  • The exact amount/type of vehicles/equipment to be used;

  • Use of any animals, children, or pyrotechnics;

  • If a student film, a letter from the school verifying that it is being done pursuant to the curriculum of an educational institution chartered by the State of New York;

  • If a charitable film, proof of the organization’s 501(c)3 status.

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